In english

Welcome to the public libraries in the municipality of Hedensted.

In the municipality of Hedensted we have libraries in Hedensted, Juelsminde, Tørring, Hornsyld and Uldum.

The libraries vary in size and services offered. Find out where your local library is, and when it is open under Addresses and opening hours further down this page.

The public libraries in Denmark have a wealth of free services for you to use.

At the libraries in the municipality of Hedensted you can:

  • Borrow books, CDs, movies, videogames, audio books, magazines, videos and much much more
  • Access the internet: bring your own laptop, find a comfy couch and access the internet through our hotspots, or use one of the computers available at the library. It is possible for foreign visitors to get a login for Internet access. Contact the library staff and show valid ID (with picture)
  • Get help from one of our librarians finding the information you are looking for if you for instance are writing a paper
  • Attend interesting events and lectures at the library
  • Get help to start a “let’s talk books”-group.
  • Use a photocopier (you will have to pay for the amount of copies you make)
  • Order books and materials from other libraries in or outside Denmark

Remember: You are always more than welcome to ask us any question you may have, and we will do whatever we can to find the information you need.

Adresses and opening hours:

The Library in Hedensted

Icon Description

Østerbrogade 26
8722 Hedensted

Phone: 79 74 13 70

Opening hours:
All week days during the hours from 6-22 the library is open, but with self-service

You can get help from staff during these opening hours:
Monday 10-18
Tuesday 10-18
Wednesday 10-18
Thursday 13-18
Friday 10-17
Saturday 10-13

The library in Hornsyld

Icon Description

Nørremarksvej 1 B
8783 Hornsyld

Phone. 79 74 13 88
Mail :

Opening hours:
All week days during the hours from 6-17 (tuesday and thursdag 6-21) the library is open, but with self-service.

You can get help from staff during these opening hours:
Monday 10-13
Thursday 13-16

In the month of July there is no staff at the library in Hornsyld.

The library in Juelsminde

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Juelsminde Rådhus
Tofteskovvej 4
7130 Juelsminde

Phone: 79 74 13 60

Opening hours:
All week days during the hours from 6-22 the library is open, but with self-service.

You can get help from staff during these opening hours:
Monday 10-17
Tuesday 10-17
Wednesday 10-17
Thursday 13-17
Friday 10-16
Saturday 10-13

The library in Tørring

Icon Description

Kirkevej 10,1.
7160 Tørring

Tlf. 79 74 13 50

Opening hours:
All week days during the hours from 6-22 the library is open, but with self-service.

You can get help from staff during these opening hours:
Monday 10-13
Tuesday 13-17
Thursday 13-17
Friday 10-13

The library in Uldum

Icon Description

Bakken 2
7171 Uldum

Phone: 79 74 13 59

Opening hours:

All week days during the hours from 6-22 the library is open, but with self-service.

You can get help from staff during these opening hours:
Monday 12-16

In the month of July there is no staff at the library in Uldum.